Terms & Conditions
1. Acceptance of Terms
1.1 Please read these terms carefully before you book. These terms tell you who we are, how we will provide sessions to you, how you and we may change or end the membership, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms, please contact us to discuss.
1.2 All those wishing to attend a Little Lions session must agree to the terms and conditions set out below. The Terms shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Parent upon payment of the Fee by or on behalf of the Parent. Payment by the Carer shall be deemed to have been made on behalf of the Parent.
1.3 These are the terms and conditions on which we provide Little Lions to you. No variation or addition to the Terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Little Lions and the Parent.
1.4 In the unlikely event of a customer failing to abide by these terms and conditions, a customer may be requested to discontinue with Little Lions. In this instance Little Lions will be under no obligation to provide a refund for any outstanding lessons.
1.5 The Parent and/or Carer agrees to keep the content of the Little Lions sessions and the Little Lions Training Programme confidential and not to copy or use any aspect of the Little Lions Programme directly or indirectly.
2 Information about how to contact us.
2.1 Should anyone wish to contact by email they can, info@littlelions.co.uk
2.2 If we have to contact you we will do so by the contact details stated on your class for kids account.
3 Booking, Payment & Cancellation
3.1 You can make a booking online via our booking platform found on our website.
3.2 You must provide us with specific personal information in order to book with us. Full details of the information we collect can be found in our Data Privacy Policy.
3.3 During the booking process, you will be asked to read and agree to our Terms and Conditions (this document), which include our Session Rules. Upon completion, you will receive a confirmation email detailing what you have booked, information about the time/location of your Course and other information about the programme.
3.4 Sessions are paid for monthly in advance and must be paid in full prior to the player commencing a session. Subsequent monthly payments will be taken automatically on the 1st of each month. Your monthly Fee will be based on your current booking fee. All subscriptions fee’s will be collected via stripe banking on the 1st of the month. Should payment fail more than 3 times your membership will be paused and no further sessions can be attended until arrears are brought back up to date.
Subscription fees pays for your child's place in the group. This is a fee spread over a 12 month period based on a training season of 47 weeks a year (August to July) Deducting the shutdown periods.
3.5 You hereby authorise Little Lions to take automatic monthly reacquiring payments on the basis described in 3.4 above (“Continuous Payment Authority”) until such time as you give us 7 days written notice to cancel this authorisation. Payments will be taken from the card from which you made your last payment. If you want to change the card details, please contact Little Lions by email.
3.6 It is your responsibility to make sure that there are sufficient funds in your account and that the saved card is valid. If an automatic payment has failed, you will be notified and the 2nd retry will then be required to retain your space in the class. You will be responsible for any fees or penalties that Little Lions incurs as a result of a failed payment.
3.7 If classes are cancelled as a result of an “Act of God” (e.g. disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, etc), strikes, terrorist activity, or where local authorities/public guidance advise that classes should be temporarily suspended for health or other reasons, then no refunds nor credits shall be given. However we will try to fit the outstanding session in before the end of the training season if the schedule allows us.
3.8 If your membership fee changes you will be notified in advanced of next due subscription in writing.
3.9 Our membership fee's are reviewed annually (July) Any changes will be notified to you via email and will come into effect as of August.
3.10 Should your child incur an hospitalised injury which keeps them out of action for 6 week or more, we can move your subscription to an injury subscription (£10 per month) to keep your child an active member. Anything over 2 months will be discussed by management.
3.11 Taster session bookings are non refundable if they are missed for whatever reason. All unattended taster sessions are a cost to the business and we cannot offer a taster after a taster etc.
4. Cancellation by Little Lions
4.1 In the unlikely event of ‘last minute’ session changes or a session cancellation by us, Little Lions will notify you with as much notice as possible. Little Lions will not reimburse any expenses incurred by a customer failing to pick up their message.
4.2 If insufficient children are booked into your group, we reserve the right to cancel the group. In this instance we will offer you either an alternative group to attend.
5. Attendance
5.1 Your membership subscriptions payment has reserved your place just for you and if you miss a session for any reason we are unable to refund you.
5.2 Parents can report an absence to us via the website ‘Report Session Absence’ tab. We like to know if players are going to missing.
6. Cancellation by the Parent / Carer
6.1 Existing members who want to cancel their membership can do so by notifying us via email (info@littlelions.co.uk) in writing, and giving a minimum of 7 days notice before the new month approaching (ie 24th of the month). Little Lions will confirm the date of the customer’s final class when the notice has been received. No refund will be given for any class(es) that are unattended prior to and including the customer’s final class.
7. Parent's Responsibility
7.1 The information set out in the Enrolment Form (whether or not completed and/or signed by the Parent) is accurate in all respects and the Parent will notify Little Lions of any change in such information immediately. Important all information on the class for kids account is up to date and current.
7.2 When attending the session, the player cannot be suffering from any contagious illness, disease, injury or anything similar thereto.
7.3 Members are expected to behave in a civilised and respectful manner at all times towards the Coaches, other customers and any members of the public who are on the Premises. In the event that Little Lions determines the behaviour of the player and/or the Parent/Carer to be unacceptable, Little Lions shall be entitled to exclude the Player and the Parent/Carer (or either of them) from group and premises permanently or for such period as Little Lions shall (in its entire discretion) determine.
7.4 The standard of behaviour which is to be regarded as unacceptable at a group or on the premises shall be determined by Little Lions.
7.5 The Parent is allowed to bring siblings of the Pupil onto the Premises as long as long as they do not get involved in the lesson (unless the sibling enroll's into the appropriate age-group class). The sibling is the responsibility of the Parent/Carer at all times. If the sibling needs attention that requires the Parent/Carer to leave the Premises, the Pupil must accompany the Parent/Carer and must not be left with the Coach. Sibling must be behave appropriately and not sport activity taking place in the parent viewing area, to ensure we create a relaxed environment for all.
7.6 Customers accept that at times there will be physical contact between the teacher and their child, which will always be carried out in a professional and caring manner. Coach will abide to company safeguarding policy.
8. Session Rules
8.1 For Health and Safety purposes, every child must be accompanied by an adult (18 years + Adult). Please supervise your child(ren) around the pitch/venue prior to your session start time, during drink/toilet breaks and at the end of each session.
8.2 Please help us start and finish sessions on time by arriving promptly for your session and taking any litter home with you when you leave. Please let the coaching team know if you have to leave the session early for any reason; this is for emergency evacuation purposes.
8.3 Please keep siblings, buggies and associated equipment off or as far back from the playing area at all times. ‘Pitch invaders’ are not covered by our accident insurance if they cause or are involved in an accident.
8.4 Please assist us to ensure that the session runs smoothly by working with us on our behaviour policy should we need to use at any point.
8.5 Parents/Carers should provide water but no food must be eaten on the pitch to avoid the hazard of choking.
8.6 To comply with our ‘Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy’ and best practice, we request that parents/carers DO NOT take photographs or videos at Little Lions sessions. Whilst our coaches will do their best to enforce a total ban on the use of photographic/film or video equipment by parents/carers at classes, due to the nature of their work and the concentration required during the delivery of sessions, we are unable to guarantee this, and your cooperation would be appreciated. From time to time Little Lions may organise class photo shoots, but only where all parental consents have been obtained.
8.7 Please try to keep noise and disturbance from the sidelines to a minimum to avoid distracting your child and others.
8.8 Lead coaches hold the right to refuse children’s participation to any player who isn’t wearing shin pads. (Age reception & above)
8.9 Although general advice will be offered, no requests for transfers, moving up age groups or changing venues or sessions can be confirmed on the spot at classes. Absolutely no cash/cheques or enrolment forms will be accepted at the class. Please contact info@littlelions.co.uk to discuss the matter with the administration team.
9. Complaint’s Procedure
9.1 We hope you will be delighted with our service but if you are at all unhappy please follow our complaints procedure:
- Please contact info@littlelions.co.uk within 12hrs of the issue. We will aim to respond within 48hrs by email or phone. We always advise a cooling off period of 24hrs before reporting anything you deem as a complaint issue.
10. General
10.1 This entire agreement shall be governed by English Law and shall fall under English jurisdiction. For Republic of Ireland based courses, this entire agreement shall be governed by Republic of Ireland Law and shall fall under Republic of Ireland jurisdiction.
10.2 Should a member be known to share in house Little Lions information to a competitor, your membership will cancelled with immediate effect. All members to act professionally and not jeopardise their child's position as a Little Lions member. This is frowned upon and is a matter we will deal with ASAP.
10.3 Little Lions sessions is not a recruitment base for grassroots club or organisations who are not partnered with Little Lions Coaching Clinic. Should we know of any consistent underhand recruitment communication with members of Little Lions could jeopardise your child's membership. This is frowned upon and is matter we will deal with ASAP.
10.4 Any member that uses Little Lions as a place to advertise or help setup similar coaching groups will jeopardise your child's place as a member. This is frowned upon and is matter we will deal with ASAP.
10.5 Any member deemed bad mouthing Little Lions (Verbally in person, Online, Social Media) will jeopardise your child's place as a member.
We appreciate:
- After taster session respond to after session email & set up payments part on your child's account
- Payment collected without complications via subscription method.
- Good communication if you are going to stop being a member or cant make a session etc.
- Parent/Guardian must stay with the child throughout the session.
- No parent coaching at the session's - Let the coaches do their job for the benefit of the children ;-)
- Cancel being a member at LLCC - Please inform at least 7 days before the end of the season (info@littlelions.co.uk). If we are not informed, we will assume you are still an active member at LLCC.
Monthly membership subscription pays for your child's place in the group, payment is not based per session. Our fee's are an annual fee divided into 12 months of the year.
Our 'Shut Down Periods' are:
- Festive Period (2 weeks) Dates will be communicated to you in advance. (December/January)
- Easter Week (1 week) Dates will be communicated to you in advance. (March/April)
- End Of Season Transition (1 week) On return all age groups will progress to the next academic year group (U4s Pre-School > U5s Reception etc.) Dates will be communicated to you in advance. (May/June)
- Summer Period (2 weeks) End of July, start of August. Dates will be communicated to you in advance.
Enjoy your journey with Little Lions Coaching Clinic, we aim the give your child the BEST coaching experience in their young footballing career.